In 2018, Leigh Whannell’s film “Upgrade” premiered at SXSW one early Sunday morning. Whannell, known for scary movies like Saw and Insidious, tried something different with this one, working with the famous horror producer Blumhouse.

“Upgrade” was a futuristic thriller with lots of violence and creepy body stuff. It was the kind of movie you’d expect to watch late at night. The story followed Grey Trace, played by Logan Marshall-Green, who sought revenge for his wife’s murder. He got help from an experimental AI chip named Stem.

While “Upgrade” had cool action scenes and looked great, it didn’t dive too deep into its themes. The characters were a bit typical, and you could see some plot twists coming. Still, Marshall-Green did a great job as Grey, bringing emotion and energy to the role.

“Upgrade” was rated R for its violence and action. It was like a longer episode of Black Mirror, more about thrills than deep meaning. You could catch it on June 1st, 2018, through Blumhouse’s release platform.

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